Hi there,
Vera here.

I'm a Product Designer who designs and advocates for inclusive and accessible products that shape technology for the better and push business forward. I’m also passionate about illustration.

Redesigning for accessibility

An accessible-first approach to a re-design & usage of native components for each OS, helped us increase our ratings on Google App Store and App Store.

UX Research, UX & UI Design

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Log in & Registration

We learned the hard way to listen to the happy silent Dooclers when fixing features for the, in this case, minority unhappy ones.

UX & UI Design

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Creating the visual identity
of a chatbot

From name to persona, to tone of voice and visual. A project where we explored all the angles and possibilities to create an engaging and trustworthy chatbot to people from 18 to 65+.

UX Research, Character Design, Visual Design

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Error Pages that reduce CS time

Creation of fun engaging characters and activities to reduce stress and switch the focus from the errors and amplify business opportunities.
Due to a major restructuring in the parent company, this project was never launched.

UX Research, Illustration, UI Design

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